Elite Consultancy & Secretarial Support Services

- My Motto -

Neither rashly nor timidly. Lateral thinking is my shield, logic my sword, Taoism within


My motto, "Neither rashly nor timidly. Lateral thinking is my shield, logic my sword, Taoism within," truly represents my approach to decision-making and problem-solving.

By valuing lateral thinking as my shield, I emphasise the importance of embracing creative and unconventional ideas to navigate through life's challenges. On the other hand, by choosing logic as my sword, I highlight my commitment to rationality, clarity, and structured thinking to cut through confusion and make informed choices. The opening phrase, "neither rashly nor timidly," further underscores my belief in the need for balance in my actions, steering clear of impulsive or overly cautious behaviours. Overall, this motto embodies my intellectual and versatile mindset, adaptable to various situations.

My personal objective is to focus on cultivating balance and enhancing the measured aspect of my motto, as I recognise impulsivity as an area for improvement. In the past, I have exhibited rash tendencies, and I am committed to developing a more thoughtful approach moving forward. By refining my decision-making process, I aim to demonstrate professionalism and achieve a well-rounded embodiment of the philosophies found within Taoism, which I hold dear and have published about..


Scott, aka Elitelixir


Elite Consultancy & Secretarial Support Services



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